When I was teenager I often overheard gossip between the sisters. My mom and dad were very active in field service and meetings, but the highest my dad ever achieved was Literature Servant while I was living at home. He became an "elder" much later, after I had moved out.
My mother, I can honestly say, was not a gossip in the classic JW sense. She'd share information she had about the health of some of the older brothers and sisters and would let on when she knew someone at the KH was getting married or having a baby. But that was it for her.
On the other hand, other sisters who were married to the CongServ, AsstCongServ and some others were always blabbing about who was in trouble, why someone was being called on the carpet, who was cheating with whom, etc. At 15 or 16, I heard gossip that would curl your hair - and they never even paid me any mind at all as I just sat there and took it all in.
Yes, the "elderettes" were all the worst gossips. That is how they tried to achieve rank among the sisters - whoever had the most inside information or the juiciest stories "ruled the roost," so to speak.
I often knew who was going to be DF'd or put on probation well before it was ever announced at the Kingdom Hall. Such fun...